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Iron Order Motorcycle Club prospect shot a Black Pistons patch holder

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Iron Order Murder In Florida
Fri, Jun 27, 2014All Posts, News
Iron Order Murder In Florida
An Iron Order Motorcycle Club prospect shot and killed a Black Pistons patch holder in the parking lot of a Jacksonville Beach, Florida restaurant named Nippers Beach Grille at about 8:15 last night. The murder appears to be the latest incident in an escalating conflict contrived by the Iron Order between that club and multiple one percenter clubs motorcycle clubs in the Southeast.
According to witnesses, the Iron Order prospect was involved in a fight with Black Piston Zachariah J. Tipton. After Tipton bloodied the prospect’s nose, the bloodied man pulled a gun and shot Tipton four times in the face. According to Jacksonville Beach Police Chief Patrick Dooley, the inciting altercation involved “five or six men.” Tipton was pronounced dead at the scene.
Bike Night
A witness named David Johnson who was interviewed on camera by television station WJXT said, “It is a bit surreal, because I did actually see the guy die. I saw his face. I saw him turning purple. I saw him convulsing. I saw the gun shot wound and the blood coming out. It was not expected, especially for this area.”
“There wasn’t a lot of yelling or fighting or screaming or chaos. Everyone was calm. The guy who shot the individual there was in an altercation because his nose was bloody but he surrendered peacefully and when someone asked who shot the guy he said ‘I did’ and didn’t try to run away or anything.”
Police took the prospect into custody at the scene but have not announced his name or if charges will be brought against him or if he has been released from custody. Police have said that there may be as many as 30 witnesses to the murder.
The shooting occurred midway through Nippers’ “Bike Night.” Nippers co-sponsors the Thursday night event with Adamec Harley-Davidson. The event promises half-priced wings and two dollar Budweisers. The restaurant markets itself as “family friendly.” It was previously owned by Kenny Gilbert who was a contestant on the Bravo reality show Top Chef.
The Iron Order
The Iron Order describes itself as a “law abiding motorcycle club.” Numerous members of the club are sworn peace officers and reliable sources have said that at least some Iron Order patch holders are ATF agents. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been in the forefront of the ongoing federal war on motorcycle clubs.
Club president Ray “Izod” Lubesky has frequently urged his club’s members to cooperate with police.
Following a confrontation between members of the Iron Order and the Bandidos Motorcycle Club in 2011 Lubesky told his club, “We will cooperate with LE and we will prosecute. We will take all steps necessary to protect ourselves and go on down the road.”
In 2012, Iron Order members from four states gathered to buzz by the American Outlaws Association clubhouse in Statesville, North Carolina. During that incident, the Iron Order pack was shadowed and protected by unmarked police cars from at least four police departments.
Earlier this month, a letter, attributed to Lubesky, asked Laconia, New Hampshire Police Chief Christopher Adams to “assist us when we call upon you” “if we encounter any problems with other clubs” during the annual Laconia Motorcycle Week event. That letter continued, “Just keep an eye out for the protection of our members. We do our best in security but 1%ers are lowlife, dirty scum who will do anything to harm us. We will cooperate with all law enforcement. Unlike traditional clubs, we will testify when called upon. We will stay only in populated areas where there are witnesses.”


IO стреляли?!?!?!?!
да ладно.......с перепугу чтоль....их постоянно то били то срывали с них цвета, то и дело не в те бары заходят и нарываются. в прошлом году ходили слухи что у них 300 чаптеров что какбэ настораживает.
точно знаю что есть типа подклую iron rocket, это отдельные мемберы IO которые ездят на спортах и вообще у них репутация полицейского клуба т.к. приличный % мемберов бывшие и действующие (на 2010г когдя с в последний раз с ними встречался).
популярность клуба, кстати, резко подскочился после выхода в эфир сериала.

и песня в тему