The best method of making money out of the cards is to generally purchase them during neutral periods keep them in your possession, and then to sell them once the hype is over. For example, The Liverpool's Darwin Nunez has had a slow start at Merseyside with two goals scored within his initial seven games.

After an ugly 3-3 draw in Brighton and with more difficult fixtures on the horizon The OTW price - which was released just three days after his release - is about 70k coins. A savvy investor could decide this 'low' moment to buy one, and then consider selling it before the next Liverpool game starts off, especially when Nunez is part of the team. If they're more cautious, they could keep it for the duration of the game hoping he scores but the chance of losing is far greater.

Another thing to look to look out for when purchasing OTW cards is when the upgrades have already been 'priced'. Everyone knows Man City are going to beat 3/8 games to gain Haaland his first OTW upgrade, for instance and that's a big part of the reason for his astronomical in-game price. Don't be fooled by players that will surely get those three wins in the hopes that the price will be able to increase their prices when the time arrives. It is likely that this is just going to result in a lot of individuals trying to profit at the same time, driving the cost down.

Ultimately, Ones to Watch cards are predictable in a few ways and unpredictable in another. Their unpredictable nature is what is fascinating about them, however understanding the predictable peaks bottoms, buying when they're down, trading in the midst of hype - is the way to make coins from them.
As Jose Mourinho parking a bus, Watford sacking another manager and Jurgen Klopp complaining about fixture congestion The football season would not be complete without a new edition of FIFA.

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